Monday, July 1, 2019

My Favorite Teacher -- John Miller

Foxy Miller helped coach wrestling.  He was a good coach, but every time I lifted him off the mat he would get excited and tell me to let him down.  In physical education, the first time we went outside in the spring, just as I stepped out the door, Foxy said, "Ronnie Myers, get up here and lead these calisthenics."  I did and it was a far cry from when Gauss was the physical education teacher.

When Paul Cook and I would not get tired, for punishment, Gauss would tell us to start running around the gym.  When we still didn't get tired, he got angry and gave us Fs on our report cards.  The only way I passed gym was because when a person made a varsity sport they didn't have to go to gym class, and they received an A on their report card.

Foxy put an end to that crap.  Sometimes he would drive Paul and me home from wrestling practice.  He had a 1957 Ford that had so many rust holes in it a person could just about walk through them.  A lot of good times.  Cheers!

Ron Myers, HHS Class of 1965

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

My Favorite Teacher -- Edgar Groves

My favorite teacher was Mr. Groves.  Clearly he loved and loves music.  He taught me to love and appreciate classical and church music.  He also taught me that a man was not just macho.  Mr. Groves showed me how a strong man acted and behaved, and was a role model for me.

Francis A. Beveridge III, HHS Class of 1965

My Favorite Teacher -- Robert Anderson

My favorite teacher I remember well was Mr. Anderson, Driver's Ed. teacher.  He taught me VERY WELL the rules of the road and how to be a good driver.

I remember the pea green 1963 Buick Skylark we used then, and was used to take the driver's test!  One day while out on the road, he said, "Jim, I think you're ready to take the test."  . . .  I passed.

Jim Petropulos, HHS Class of 1965